Photos and Visual Representations

In this section I want you to analyze the photos and visual representations of the Atlanta Race Riot. Then thoughtfully answer the questions below each image.

1. Explain what you think is going on in this photo? Who are these people? Are they there for protection? If so, who are they protecting?

This is one of the saloons that caused so much concern.

1. Analze what you see in this photograph. Do you think there is anything outwardly threatening about this establishment?
2. What activities do you think people believed were occurring in places such as this?

1. Why do you think those men are gathered in the street?
2. What can this picture tell you about what is happening at this time?
3. Explain what you believe the building in the bottom left corner is?

1. Explain what impressions you would get from seeing these images with no context? Would Atlanta be a place you would willingly visit?
2. What strikes you about these drawings? Based on these images who had greater reasons to fear the 'other'?

Walter White- one of the founders of the NAACP and witness to the Atlanta Race Riot.

1. Imagine you are thirteen year old Walter White. Write a short journal entry about what you saw on September 22-23 in Atlanta. Be sure to use vivid language and details.
2. Imagine you are an elderly Walter White. Create another journal entry regarding how the Atlanta Race Riot shaped your life. Do you think Walter White would have chosen the same path if he had not witnessed such horrors?
3. Finally, examine the picture. How do you think Walter White's appearance helped/hindered his work for civil rights in America? Consider questions such as: was he 'too white' to be accepted fully within the black community? What would have happened if he was caught 'passing' in Georgia when he was investigating lynchings?